Featured Hashtags
This is a great way give people a little insight into your favourite topics. You can select up to 10 hashtags to appear in your profile. When someone looks at your profile, they see your curated list bottom right. If they click one of the hashtags, they see your posts with the hashtag.
Editing your Featured Hashtags
Edit your Profile, and select the 'Featured Hashtags' option 1
You will see a list of the hashtags you commonly use 2. Click on one of these, or type a word in the box 3 (dont type the #) and 'Add New'.
4 shows the list you are featuring on your profile. Use 'Delete' to remove individually.
Note These are only available when viewed from the Mastodon software. If someone on another server type, for example Firefish, looks at your profile they will not see these.