How to Follow Someone

The Fediverse is a collection of different servers which all communicate with each other. Your account will be on one of these. Following someone can be confusing when you first start using Mastodon (or any other software on the Fediverse).

There are a number of ways to follow someone:

If you are reading someone's post which has appeared on your timeline (perhaps via a boost), click on the user's profile image. This will show some details about what your server knows about the user.

Click the “Follow” button.

If you know a user's ID on the fediverse, you can type it in the search bar. A Fediverse ID looks like an email address but starts with an @

In the search bar 1, type the ID. If the user is found you can then Follow 2 the account

This is the area which can be confusing when you first join the Fediverse.

You may find yourself on another server when you follow links in profiles. It is not immediately obvious, or simple, to follow the user while on another server. The easiest way is to note down their ID, or Copy using your mouse/keyboard. Go back to your own instance timeline and then use the “Follow by Searching” above.

  • Last modified: 09 September 2023 10:58
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